Tucson Dragway's Racing Categories
Summit Series Team Races
The Summit Series Team Race Presented by Lincoln Electric is a points series ran throughout the year at Tucson Dragway. Racers in the six categories below compete for the tip spots to race in the Division 7 ET Finals in Las Vegas! For more information about Team Tucson please click on the Team Tucson Dragway Page under the Racers Central Tab at the Top of the page!
Super Pro: 7.00 to 12.25 1/4 Mile
Pro: 9.00 to 14.25 1/4 Mile
Sportsman: 12.00 to 20.25 1/4 Mile
High School: 12.00 to 20.25 1/4 Mile
Motorcycle: 7.50 to 16.25 1/4 Mile
Junior Dragster Class: (7-12 Years Old) 1/8 Mile
Junior Dragster Class: (7-12 Years Old) 1/8 Mile
Big Wheel Class: (3-7 Years Old) 330ft
Club Day
Tucson Dragway Hosts a number of Club Days throughout the year. A Club Day is when multiple racing clubs from around the state use the track to host their race. Each club has their own rules, buyin's and payouts. Below is a list of the Clubs that run at Tucson Dragway and a way to contact them with any questions you may have.
Arizona Drag Racing Association (ADRA): Super Pro & Pro Bracket Racing - The Arizona Drag Racing Association (ADRA) is a non-profit drag racing club. It is the largest and oldest drag racing association in Arizona. ADRA was formed in 1972 and currently has over 140 member located within the United States, Canada, and Mexico. We have 10 to 12 points races each season. The races are held at Arizona tracks. You can find current standings, schedule, and race rules at azdragrace.com. You can contact the ADRA at adraracing@gmail.com or by phone at 602-723-3126.
AmericanDRAGCAR: American DRAGCAR has different race programs they run at various times ranging from regular bracket racing to heads-up outlaws but their most distinct program is the TopComp/SportComp Grand Championship Series which merges old school bracket racing with hard core first one there wins comp index racing. This series also puts racers on the Pro tree with TopComp running the 4-tenths Pro and SportComp running the 5-tenths Pro tree start. DRAGCAR also gives racers their choice of race fees and payout options with race fees ranging from $20 to $50, and coming new in 2020, racers will also get to choose to race on the full tree with both 4-tenths and 5-tenths full tree options. Visit USDRAGCAR.com or email USDRASGCAR@aol.com for more information. Or you can text or leave a message at 602-741-7809 directly. Missed calls will be returned as promptly as possible.
K&N Series & Arizona Super Comp Association (ASCA): ASCA presented by Tom Yancer Race Cars is an annual 6-8 race series that runs a single heads up 8.90/9.15 index class. All NHRA Super Comp rules apply. Although becoming an annual club member comes with many benefits, membership is not required to run with us. Anyone able to run the 8.90/9.15 quarter mile index is welcome to race with us. For more information about the club check out or website and/or Facebook group.
Rich Lash – RlashL702@gmail.com - Website - http://azprolube.com/ASCA/ - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/464907553683706/?ref=bookmarks
Arizona Super Gas Association: Heads up Racing, 9.90 Index! If you have any questions please call Ryan Smith at 480.201.7539.
Arizona Stock/Super Association: The Arizona Stock/Super Stock Association (AZSSSA) is a non-profit organization that promotes class racing in Arizona. Participation is open to all NHRA and IHRA legal Stock and Super Stock vehicles. We follow NHRA rules and have weight check and heads-up runs for vehicles in the same class. Visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AZSSSA, email azstockssassc@gmail.com, or call 520-203-4078 (Matt) or 520-203-4077 (Brad) for more information.
Arizona Super Street: Heads up Index racing, 10.90 in Phoenix and 11.15 in Tucson. If you have any questions please call Ryan Giacone at 602.330.2709 or email rgiacone@mfrservices.com.
Phoenix Area Drag Racers (PADR): PADR1320's Best Package program is an all out, heads-up style of bracket racing. Cut a light and run your number to win some cash! If you have any questions please email AJ Crader at phoenixareadragracers@gmail.com.
R1320: A Private Race Club for employees of Raytheon.
Friday Night Drags
Friday Night Drags is an Open Test & Tune format Run What Ya Brung night at the track! Whether you have full blown racecar or you want to see what your daily driver will run in the 1/4 mile! Friday Night Drags is the time to see what you've got! Do you have a grudge race to settle with a friend or just need to get some much needed testing in on your car, Friday Night Drags is the night for you!
Wednesday Night Drags
Wednesday Night Drags was created as a night to get your friends together and get some grudge racing and testing done in the middle of the week, break up that normal work week with some racing and fun at Tucson Dragway!
Open Test & Tune
Open Test & Tune format is a Run What Ya Brung night at the track! Whether you have full blown racecar or you want to see what your daily driver will run in the 1/4 mile! Any Open Test & Tune is the time to see what you've got! Do you have a grudge race to settle with a friend or just need to get some much needed testing in on your car.
Street Rally
Tucson Dragway’s Street Rally is an event that was created to cater to the street crowd, race cars are welcome but not our priority for the night! The track will be prepped and ready for, grudge racing, call outs, time runs and fun side by side racing action!
Each Street Rally has Drag Racing and Roll Racing to provide racers the opportunities to simulate what they would be doing on the streets but in a safer place with the proper rescue teams and track personal in place.
Arizona No Prep
Arizona No Prep is a race club that offers 1/8th mile races on a No Prep Race Surface. These races start at the starting line using an Instant Green Tree. Arizona No Prep Offers the following classes: Big Tire, Small Tire, Naturally Aspirated Daily Driver, Power Adder Daily Driver, Index Classes.
Beyond 1320
Information coming soon.
“Best managed track in AZ. Jim, and his team should be proud of what they deliver to the racers and spectators. Very nice track, staging lanes and pits. Like the way the food/beverage operation is convenient to all. the Tower makes a great backdrop to start line photography.”
Gary Pundsack, Scottsdale, AZ
“Friendly staff and Racing experience on a local level with an hint of the big time racing.”
Rhonda Stubbs, Tucson, AZ
“One of my favorite drag racing places. Starting from Ladies who sell the tickets who are very polite and adorable, then the tech gentleman are very professional and helpful. Everything is very well prepared, well maintained and organized!!!”
Dumitro Alexeev, Phoenix, AZ