Congratulations to our 2025 Team Tucson Champions:
Super Pro: Tim O’Moore
Pro: Kyle Fritz
Sportsman:Ryan Tetreault
Motorcycle: Tom Patterson
High School:Hailey Bopp
Jr. Street: Erin Edwards
Jr. Dragster 6 –12: Malachi Phillips
Jr. Dragster 13-17: Allison Bolle
Big Wheels: Maverick Hawk
2024 King of the Track: Nacho Rivera
For the 2025 Race Season Team Tucson Racers will be competing for Gold Cards, which are good for any 2026 event that Tucson Dragway promotes, exceptions would be track rentals and any other outside promoted events; along with the Gold Card the Track Champion in each class will receive a Champions Jacket and Trophy. Silver Cards for the Runner Up in each class, which will let you run in the Team Races for 2025. Third Place will receive a Bronze Card, which is good for entry into any Tucson Dragway Test and Tune for the 2025 Season.​
As an added bonus, to show our appreciation for your support, the champions in ALL 4 classes will receive a 2025 Hangover Nationals Entry!
Team Tucson 2025 Season Dates
Team Race 1 & 2
Saturday & Sunday February 8th & 9th
Gates open 7 am, track hot 9am
Team Race 3 & 4
Saturday & Sunday March 8th & 9th
Gates open 7am, track hot 9am
Team Race 5 & 6
Saturday & Sunday April 12th & 13th
Gates open 7am, track hot 9am
Team Race 7
Saturday May 3rd
Gates open 7am, track hot 9am
Team Race 8
Saturday May 17th
Gates open 4 pm, track hot 6pm
Times and dates subject to change
Team Tucson 2025 Season Rules
2024 Series: This is a eight (8) race series; we will count your best seven (7) races for points. Drivers retain any appearance points earned for the throw out race. You must run in at least three (3) Summit Series Races in order to qualify for the NHRA Summit Showdown at the ET Finals. At the ET Finals you can also qualify for a chance at big prize money, A Wally and Gold Card at the World ET Finals in Pomona. The ET Finals winner of each Saturday Classes race will be invited to race as well.
Breakage Rule: If your vehicle breaks during competition, you may tech another vehicle as long as it is NOT currently in competition in the same class. If your vehicle breaks before competition has started and you choose not to race another vehicle and do not want your show up points you may ask for a refund, If no alternate vehicle is available you may request a refund of the entry fee (a refund will not be available to those who have already made a pass before breakage occurs). Any gate, crew and spectator fees are nonrefundable. You must dial an ET within your class. Show up and/or qualifying points will also be forfeit.
Classes: When you sign up for the series, you must choose and designate a class or classes to earn your points. If you wish to change your class during the series, you will lose your round points and qualifying points for that class. You will only keep your show up points and transfer them into the new class you are joining.
High School Class: The High School Class will run as a standalone class, but must stay within the NHRA Summit ET High School Rules. Please refer to the NHRA Rule Book for all class rules. As a high school participant your points will be kept separate as to determine our high school track champion. At the ET Finals, the High School class can run in sportsman on Saturday, however, on Sunday it will be its own class combined with junior street and will be contested eighth (1/8) mile. Minors that are 16 & 17 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to sign a wavier of release at the first event. An NHRA minor drivers card will be issued to the driver for future events.
Ties: Points will be tallied throughout the year for a final year end points champion in each class. In the event of a tie (1st tiebreaker) the racer with the most rounds won. (2nd tiebreaker) the racer with the most wins. (3rd tiebreaker) the racer with the most runner-up finishes. (4th tiebreaker) The racer with the most head to head wins.
Dial-In: You must stay within your index for the class that you signed up for. If you DIAL out of your class index at any time during eliminations and win, you will be disqualified and your competitor will be reinstated. Each competitor will be responsible for checking the "Dial In Boards" and scoreboards for his/her dial in. If your "dial in" on the board is not correct, DO NOT STAGE your vehicle. Get the starters attention to make the necessary corrections. Once you stage, you have excepted the dial in for that round. Win or lose, the run will stand.
Staging Lanes: Once in the staging lanes, lane changing or swapping is not permitted past the cross walk (half stripe). When you are past that point, the two vehicles are now set as a pair. Once paired if your vehicle breaks your competitor may choose to wait till the end of the class or take the competition single.
Run For The Money: An optional run for the money will be conducted during the second time run (only one time run on Sundays), optional, meaning you can participate in the time run without paying the $20 lane fee, but you will not be eligible for the prize money. If you choose not to participate, DO NOT PUT A DIAL ON YOUR CAR; treat it as a time run only. However, you will be eligible for the first round bye, if you happen to have the best reaction time whether you pay or not. The run for the money winner is the racer who is closest to their dial in without breaking out, reaction time is the tiebreaker and if there is still a tie the racer who did it first is the winner. The tree will be a bogey start for all classes.
Bye Runs: First round bye run will be determined by the racer with the best reaction time during all time runs. All remaining round byes, until laddered (8 cars or less) are determined by best winning reaction time from previous round. Any class that is laddered first round, byes will be determined by qualifying position.
Cross Talk: Super Pro (box, electronic) class only. If you do not want Cross Talk please put an “N” for NO behind your dial. Otherwise cross talk will be activated.
Re-Runs: In the event of a re-run, both competitors will stay in the same lane as the previous run. dial ins may be changed.
Courtesy Staging: Is not required but recommended.
Deep Staging: Vehicles must be marked on all four sides with DEEP on their windows. The starter will honor deep staging if vehicle is marked properly.
Taillights: One functional, operating taillight is mandatory after sunset from starting line to finish line during a pass. A burned out bulb is not functional or operating. This rule is for safety and will be strictly enforced. The use of LED bulbs or lights is highly recommended. Flashing, blinking or strobe lights are prohibited.
Team Fundraiser Money: Throughout the season, all team fundraising money will be used for the ET final team expenses, apparel, travel money, food and beverage, etc. Please support your team! We are open to any fund raising ideas as well.
Team Tucson Guaranteed Payouts!
Super Pro:
Winner: $1,200
Runner-Up: $400
Semi's: $200
Quarter's: $100 (40+ Entries)
Winner: $1000
Runner-Up: $350
Semi's: $150
Quarter's: $80 (40+ Entries)
Winner: $300
Runner-Up: $100
Semi's: $60
Winner: $250
Runner-Up: $100
Semi's: $60
6 - 12 Winner: $80
6 - 12 Runner-Up: $40
13 - 17 Winner: $80
13 - 17 Runner-Up: $40
Junior Street:
Winner: $25 + $50 gift certificate to Don's Hot Rod Shop
Runner-Up: $10
High School:
Winner: $40 + $50 gift certificate to Don's Hot Rod Shop
Runner-Up: $10
Fees for your 2025 Team Tucson Season
Spectator Wristband: $20.00
Crew Wristband: $20.00
Kids 12 & Under are Free
Super Pro: $100 - Index for 1/4 Mile: 7.00 to 12.25 (4.30 to 7.70 1/8)
Pro: $80 - Index for 1/4 Mile: 8.50-13.99 (5.35-8.59 1/8 mile)
Sportsman: $60 - Index for 1/4 Mile: 11.50 to 20.25 (7.30 to 13.00 1/8)
High School: $40 - Index for 1/4 Mile: 12.00 to 20.25 (7.70 to 16.00 1/8)
Motorcycle: $60 - Index for 1/4 Mile: 7.50 to 16.25 (5.00 to 10.35 1/8)
JR Dragster: $40 - Index: (age appropriate for 1/8 Mile)
NHRA Membership and Car Number: For the points series you must have an NHRA ET number for your race vehicle in order to earn points in your class. If you do not have a permanent ET number, a temporary one can be issued to you when you sign up. If you qualify for the ET Finals and want to practice you will need to purchase a permanent NHRA “ET” Number and NHRA Membership prior to participating at the Summit ET Finals at NHRA online at nhra.com. (The High School Class will get theirs from NHRA).
Team Membership Fee: The cost to be a Team Tucson Dragway Member for the 2023 season will be $40.00, $50.00 for Jr. dragsters (Cash or Check made payable to Team Tucson). When you sign up you are eligible to receive one Team Tucson Dragway T-Shirt and the right to earn points during the series for a chance to be the 2023 Track Champion and a chance to Race in The ET Finals!
Points System: Please Keep Track of your points! We will "Keep Score" and post the points standings periodically on Facebook and emails . Please discuss any discrepancies with team captain, Bill Kidd.
50 Points for Show Up and Tech of your Race Vehicle.
100 Points for every round win after winning the first round.
70 Points for every round win after buying back after a first round loss.
50 Points for Show Up and Tech of your Race Vehicle.
First Round Buybacks available for Super Pro $50, Pro $40 and Sportsman $30, Motorcycle $30, Jr Dragster $20, High School $15 Jr Street $10.
There will be one throw out race in which you will keep your show up points and throw out your one lowest scoring performances.
Qualifying Points: Qualifying Points will be awarded in each class for the 10 best reaction times during 1st round for Pro, Sportsman, Super Pro.
Please only run when your class is called. If you run out of your class, or make an additional run during qualifying, your qualifying points will be forfeited. Running in order will help expedite the program as well as maintain accurate qualifying points and eliminations ladder. Please run in your class only at all times when called to the lanes.
“Best managed track in AZ. Jim, and his team should be proud of what they deliver to the racers and spectators. Very nice track, staging lanes and pits. Like the way the food/beverage operation is convenient to all. the Tower makes a great backdrop to start line photography.”
Gary Pundsack, Scottsdale, AZ
“Friendly staff and Racing experience on a local level with an hint of the big time racing.”
Rhonda Stubbs, Tucson, AZ
“One of my favorite drag racing places. Starting from Ladies who sell the tickets who are very polite and adorable, then the tech gentleman are very professional and helpful. Everything is very well prepared, well maintained and organized!!!”
Dumitro Alexeev, Phoenix, AZ